Kumyang E&C Factory

Kumyang E&C Factory in Cheonnam, South Korea

Kumyang E&C Corporation located in South Korea and Greenbank Energy Solutions, Inc. are happy to announce a joint venture to sale and market our boiler optimization products in South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Brazil.

<우리는 한국에 있는 Kumyang E&C Corporation과 Greenbank Energy Solutions, Inc.가 한국, 일본, 인도네시아, 브라질 등의 국가에서 보일러 효율 최적화 제품을 판매하고 마케팅하는 것에 대해 두 업체가 joint venture를 설립하게 되었음을 알려 드리게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다.

Head Office & Workshop

170, Jooseokro, Juam-myeon, Suncheon-city,

540-843, Cheonnam, South Korea

Tel : +82-61-751-4472, Fax : +82-61-751-4475

Gwangyang Office

82, Guma-gil, Gwangyang-city,

545-880, Cheonnam, South Korea

Tel : +82-61-772-4472, Fax : +82-61-772-4475

M.P : +82-10-3641-8676


Kumyang E&C Corporation’s Factory and Offices in Cheonnam, South Korea

E-mail : jeein@kumyangenc.com

Web : www.kumyangenc.com